Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Creating a Viable Healthcare Policy

Creating a Viable Healthcare Policy Free Online Research Papers An effective health care system provides quality health care needs of a country’s population. Various countries have devised a variety of health-care systems that suit the target population that a country is aiming at. According to the World Health Organization, the goals of a health care system should be to promote good health, fair financial contributions and responsible policies (W.H.O, 2000). Even though financial constraints exist, a good health care system should meet the health care needs of a population because it promotes good health and improves people’s living standards. The issue of financing a health care system is the most difficult in ensuring that a population enjoys the benefits of an effective health care system. According to Shannon (2004), a government has a variety of choices to choose from in determining how to fund the system. Shannon points out that the government can directly fund the system from the taxes it collects, through insurance, donations or through voluntary contributions of the population. He also argues that whichever method a government chooses, it should be fair to the population (Shannon, 2004) The right to health care for the population has elicited heated debates. Some have argued from the perspective that health care is only a fundamental right if you one can afford it. Others have tried to link the formulation of health care policies being directly dependent on the available resources (Weisstub and Pinto’s, 2007). Many governments including the USA have been reluctant to formulate clear-cut health care policies, the reasoning being that a comprehensive health care policy for the entire population depends on the scarce resources of the country. By this, it means that some governments do not see health care as a matter of priority. Although some countries do not view a comprehensive health care policy for the population as vital, some have taken the initiative and made health care successful. One such country is France. According to a report carried out in 2000 by the World Health Organization, France emerged as one of the country that has the best health care system in the world. France has geared most of its efforts to providing effective health care policies for its population. Some of the stringent measures that the government of France has incorporated in its policies include insurance coverage to its entire population, high quality health care providers and giving patients freedom to choose the best alternatives for themselves (W.H.O, 2000). Although there may be financial constraints, countries should strive to give their population comprehensive health-care plans. Health care is a right to every human being and governments should strive to ensure that the population enjoys the benefits of an effective and fair health care system. The private sector should also be involved in helping the government and other stakeholders in realizing the goals of a comprehensive health care system for the entire population. The public also has a task in ensuring the success of a health care system. One of the ways the public can benefit is by getting involved with the government and various health care agencies to air their opinions about how the government can provide for them an effective health care system. References: Shannon, T.A. (2004). Health care policy: a reader. New York: Rowman Littlefield â€Å"The world health report 2000- Health systems: improving performance†. World Health Organization. Retrieved on September 14, 2010. From Weisstub, D. N., Pintos, G. D. (2007).Autonomy and Human Rights in Health Care: An International Perspective. Dordrecht: Springer Research Papers on Creating a Viable Healthcare PolicyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPETSTEL analysis of IndiaTwilight of the UAWQuebec and Canada19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Genetic EngineeringDefinition of Export Quotas

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Top 5 Jobs for Great Work-Life Balance

Top 5 Jobs for Great Work-Life Balance ever wondered how some people make it work? how you could manage to maintain a satisfying career, pay the bills, but still have time to travel or have a family life? sometimes it’s best to think outside of the box a bit and look to a few jobs you might not expect would fit the bill. forbes recently featured 25 jobs that could give you the best of both worlds, and still pay enough to keep you where you want to be. here are our top 5.1. web designerhave an eye for good design? a mind for technology? a self-managing style? consider a career in web design. a bit of training and talent can net you an average of $53k per year with tons of flexibility. you could work from anywhere!2. software developerthis ones is another step in the web direction, if you’re good at that sort of thing. software developers usually have flexible hours and locations, and can make up to $80k per year.3. client managerprefer the structure of working for a company, rather than on your own? still wan t a bit more flexibility? client managing can win you over $71k per year and will still leave you time to make lunches for your kids.4. substitute teacherhave teaching skills, but don’t want to be tied down to a full scholastic year? have a bit of money saved to work on starting your own business? or just don’t need to pull in all that much? substitute teaching can be a great way to keep yourself working- as much or as little as you want- without long-term commitment, and can earn you almost $25k a year.5. social media managerthis gig let’s you be involved in a company without having to stay late and come early to keep it running; you act as  that company’s mouthpiece instead! social media managing can be a low-stress, often enjoyable way to go to work every day. and at an average of $40k a year, the salary isn’t half bad either.see more here:  best 25 jobs for work life balance

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Kant's Political Writings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Kant's Political Writings - Essay Example However, our choice of leadership may not always be right and appropriate since as men we tend to be wrong at times due to our human nature. Nonetheless, a leader is always needed and we must submit to them irrespective of whether we agree with them fully or not. This was the origin of the supreme rule among men. It was the only way to establish law and order in any social setting irrespective of where that rule comes from. It is therefore an offense to go against the rule of law by organizing any form of resistance to the leaders in authority. Such an action is deemed offensive and should be punished according to the constitution in place. If anyone is against any law or figure of authority, they should find a constitutionally recognized way of placing their complaints without disorganizing or trying to forcefully overrule the structure of power. His approach to leadership in any social setting points to dictatorship and democratic doctrines. These principles cannot coexist hand in hand since one form will take over the other in time. However, these doctrines are beneficial to men in their quest to find stability in their day to day lives. I support his ideology on this subject matter since he gives some pointers to its advantages. He takes us back to the laws of nature that govern the animal and plant kingdoms. According to his third proposition, our full capabilities are only realized when in an organized group and not as an individual. This is because we are social creatures. He gives us an example of trees trying to collectively seek for air and light for their growth and other trees that do not participate in this union but go off on their own. The latter trees grow to be strong and blossom fully while the former do not grow to their full potential. The value of group association is enhanced since it comes with great benefits to the individuals joined in the venture. This does not come easy since they will be some problems experienced in one way or the ot her. These deviations are to be expected since peace comes with a price. This should be dealt with constitutionally as the people look to the greater picture of a centralized form of governance. The leaders should be capable of providing for its citizens and especially for those unable to do so. It then acquires the right to tax its citizens in a bid to avail certain resources for its entire people. This right to tax should not be abused but used for the greater good of its entire people. The people are then given some privileges by the constitution such as those of voting, legal ownership of property and the right to freedom. The right to rule conferred upon the state is given to it by its citizens. This power should be supreme and the means to an end. The leader should be then having more authority than the people he is ruling over. He can lead his people to a resistance but he must have made claim to his actions and offer protection to his subjects. This resistance could be again st the constitution or a part of it. This form of defiance could be unconstitutional since it points to the leader of the resistance as the Supreme authority yet he is meant to be a tool to follow through with the rule of law. This goes against Kant’s principles as it means that there is a flaw in the constitutional framework of the society. This is even graver when a coup is staged by the people who are meant to be subjects upholding the legality of the leadership they choose. Instead they should be able to stage complaints in the most peaceful of manners and if that approach fails, then submitting to the law would come in handy. In the case scenario of the murder of the leader as was seen in the execution of Charles I, there was the deviation from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research some initiatives that reduce the devasting impact that Essay

Research some initiatives that reduce the devasting impact that hospitality operations have on our environment - Essay Example Political rationality is based on the ability to solve problems and arrive at effective, collective decisions. Technical rationality is dependent on the value of efficiency. These modern environmental management methods require a rationality of both means and ends. They specify the means by which given ends can be achieved. Those ends are environmental goals such as less pollution and the conservation of water. There is a close relationship between hotels and the environment. Various features of the physical environment are an attraction for tourists. The environment covers all of people's natural and cultural surroundings. The natural environment is what exists in nature such as the land and its soil and topography. The built environment consists of man-made physical features consisting of infrastructure development. Tourist facilities and infrastructure constitute one aspect of the built environment. The ensuing tourism development and tourist use of an area generate environmental impacts. Hotels have signified their commitment to ensure a healthy and clean environment. There are three international hotels which have implemented very successful environmental initiatives. The Shangri-la Hotels and Resorts Hong Kong has initiatives on environmental management. In the area of environmental sustainability, the hotel's focus is primarily in five areas: climate change; ozone depletion; water use management; waste disposal management; and indoor air quality. Shangri-La is ramping up energy conservation initiatives so that it will reduce 2006 group-wide energy consumption figures by 12 percent by the end of 2008. Currently, the group practices a wide array of environmentally friendly measures such as fitting all guestrooms with water-saving devices in taps and showers as well as using energy-saving lamps in more than half of the group's guestrooms. Shangri-La was an industry leader in initiating environmental procedures even before its hotels began to receive ISO14001 certifi cation, the international Environmental Management System Standard. The group has an extensive list of internally developed environmental best practices that all hotels have implemented, with inspections to monitor for compliance. The inspection results affect each hotel's annual performance and development review scores. In addressing impacts on climate change, the group is working on reducing carbon dioxide emissions per room night by 6.7 kg., as compared to 2006 figures. Shangri-La has three broad methods for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases: through existing systems and processes; the use of new technologies and alternative energy sources; and by building more efficient buildings. In new hotels, Shangri-La seeks to save energy and resources through a variety of techniques involving rainwater harvesting, hot water production using solar panels or heat pumps, and improvements in building envelope design to reduce heat loss or heat gain as well as air filtration. (Shangri-la Company website). Another international hotel with a sterling reputation on environmental

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Qualites of an Effective Helper Essay Example for Free

Qualites of an Effective Helper Essay I believe that ill be an effective helper because I am caring trustful honest and open minded. I also know What its like self , family problems I also know the feelings of being unwanted and unloved is so Powerful that its hard to over come. I am motivated by desire to help all types of people work thought their problems no matter how big or little they are. The qualities that I have that will make me an effective helper are that I am a good listener, I am open- minded about all most everything even if I don’t really understand. I am honest and I don’t mind telling the truth to someone even if it hurts their feelings sometimes people need to hear the truth it helps them see it through someone’s else’s eyes, but I also know when to be respectful to other people needs, beliefs and values. I have had some personal problems that I think other people may have, I don’t mind sharing them with a client to show them that I have been down that road in life and with sharing I would hope that it will help our relationship. I don’t like to judge people because at some point in life everyone has had some kinds of problems and I have no right to judge we are all human we all live and learn. I have an happy go lucky presonallalliti so smiling and showing that I care comes easy for me, I have no problem putting myself on the spot to break the ice with a client. I am a patience person, I know that time is the key to help out with the relationship,, I know that it is hard to open up to someone that you think will judge you. I believe that helping a client find forgiveness it the key to most problems and that forgiving ourselves is one of the hardest things to do. I believe that everyone should have respect for all and be understanding, I try to understand everyone’s views, values and beliefs but when it comes to someone that has sexual abuse or killed a child would be really hard for me because I see children as the best gift in life, I don’t understand how any one would want to hurt them in any way. I know that they may have had it done to them . If I had to work with that has done one of those thing I would try really hard to put my feelings aside as best as I could. Nicki Prudhomme

Friday, November 15, 2019

History Of Black Males In American Society Essay -- African-American R

History Of Black Males In American Society The black community have always been suppressed and oppressed by the dominant and powerful white members of society. The historical social order of Americans meant that traditionally positions of power have been held by a very exclusive group of people; members of this group are stereotypically middle class, middle aged, white males with nuclear families. This Caucasian dominance is well documented throughout history and is epitomized by the slavery of African, and Caribbean Negroes in America by white settlers and pilgrims, which continued for many hundreds of years. This has led to much resentment from the black community towards white people, as it is still very difficult for someone of an ethnic minority heritage to gain a position of any real authority or significance within the USA. Things have undoubtedly improved in America but a balance of equality has still not been achieved, evidenced today by Barack Obama becoming the first Black man to achieve election into the USAsenate (the highest form of government in the American administration apart from the cabinet). Whilst this demonstrates that society is becoming more equality based in the US, it also shows that out of 255 senate seats, a black person holds only one of them. This illustrates that American society favours those of white origin, as they do not trust black people in positions of power or importance. The situation with regards to racism has changed dramatically over the past fifty years; this is largely down to the work of black activists such as Dr Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Another individual who had a ... ...ssing over $225 million each, while the motion picture biography of Malcolm X, one of the most important cultural icons for black people, and one of the most influential figures in the change of racial tolerance and ultimately, world society grossed just $48 million. American society is still intolerant of black people and in film, more often then not, cast the African-Americans in the role of the minstrel. This has been noted by black people and have now taken to playing up to the role by creating spoof films such as the 'Scary Movie' trilogy which grossed over $500 million in total. This shows that whilst society in America has not changed much, except that white people pretend to be less prejudiced, black people have decided to take control and use their own societal positions to take advantage of white America.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Aids Treatments

Aids is one of the most threatening disease which is effecting the lives of many people around the globe, plus the most astonishing fact is that it is effecting people and spreading at an exponential rate and as public awareness programs focus on it The most disturbing fact is that as the number of cases double a cures not in sight nor a vaccine has been developed and Aids is still an incurable condition.The human immunodeficiency virus has a direct and a lethal on life, at its very core, the transmission occurs principally via blood, semen and â€Å"vaginal fluid other bodily fluids, like the saliva, contain far too low a concentration of the virus to be dangerous Both blood and semen signify life and potential life in a concrete way.† (Paskin, 1994)AIDS is the most severe stage, of the infection with what we know as the AIDS virus. AIDS is also generally accepted as a syndrome, a collection of specific, life-threatening and dangerous signs that is due to an underlying immune deficiency, a deficiency not caused by any known conditions and illnesses other than infection with the AIDS virus.It destroys the body's capacity to ward off bacteria and viruses that would ordinarily be fought off by a properly functioning immune system, and it is the diseases, the opportunistic infections, caused by these outside agents that eventually kill the victim; or, death results from a form of cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma, that is far more aggressive in AIDS patients than among those who do not suffer from AIDS.Thus, one can say that AIDS killed the person, since the addition of the ‘S’ defines a syndrome: the collection of diseases and symptoms that resulted from the weakened immune system.Putting it another way, one can say that the â€Å"AIDS virus itself does not kill, nor does it generally cause the various diseases associated with the syndrome; most of the disastrous events are simply the result of the damage to the immune system.† (Elli, 1992)The t reatment of HIV-related immunological and neurological disease involves the control of HIV replication by specific anti-viral drugs, boosting the host's own immune response to HIV, dampening down any potentially harmful results of the immune response, and reconstituting the defective cell-mediated immunity.Thus, a broad range of approaches are being tried. This in some way reflects the uncertainty regarding the pathogenesis of this infection. The management of the specific opportunist infections and tumors that arise because of the immunodeficiency are covered in Chapter 4.Here, we will focus on the treatment of the underlying HIV infection. The ultimate goal for the HIV-infected person would be the eradication of HIV infection. However, this is unlikely to be achieved as the virus integrates into the host chromosome, and therefore all infected cells would have to be removed.This may be possible in renewable tissue, such as lymphoid cells, but not within the nervous system, where ce lls cannot be replaced. However, if the virus could be suppressed to the level where it is not damaging the host or continuing to infect new cells, then the disease process may be halted.The virus can potentially be inhibited in three ways: (1) by preventing binding or fusion to the target cell; (2) by inhibiting replication and release; and (3) by inducing non-infective particlesDespite many public health efforts and programs for the awareness of the disease around the globe it is still seen that in many underdeveloped countries Aids awareness programs do not work and people are still indulging into acts like prostitution and unsafe sexual activities.So therefore to address this issue governments in these countries have conducted many health programs such as making people aware about the effects of the disease and   raising more informational sessions for people indulging into behaviors which are a main source in spreading this virus.Now governments around the worlds are funding projects which are related to the disease so that the people at large do not get affected by the disease.These public health efforts around the world especially in Asian and African countries has led to people becoming more aware of the hazards of the aids epidemic and because of these health awareness programs people to not indulge into unprotected sexual behavior.Works CitedPaskin, J. M. HIV and AIDS. Publisher: Bios Scientific Publishers. Place of Publication: Oxford, England. Publication Year: 1994.Elli, Ottoman. HIV Infection and Intravenous Drug Use. Publisher: Praeger Publishers. Place of Publication: Westport, CT. Publication Year: 1992

Sunday, November 10, 2019


The story â€Å"Drown† sets in the summer time in New Jersey. Diaz and his friend Beto are raging, out of control, in their neighborhood known as the ghetto. They† stole, broke windows†¦ pissed on peoples steps and then challenged them to come out and stop us. † While Diaz has another year of high school, Beto for college on the other hand is leaving for college at the end of the summer. Diaz has several recurring feelings such as, suffocation, problems defining his masculinity, and being trapped, problem is that Diaz would rather stay trapped in the Ghetto if it means not turning out like Beto.Why does Diaz use the metaphor drown? Why does Diaz struggle with masculinity? Does Diaz want to come up for air or continue to suffocate? In â€Å"Drown† the setting plays a key role in the story. Diaz described his neighborhood as, † The broken apart buildings, little strips of grass, the piles of garbage around the cans, and the dump†(Drown 91). Th e neighborhood where Diaz live shapes his life, so it plays an important role in the story. Most of Diaz anxiety is caused by the fact that he cannot leave his neighborhood, because he fears the outcome once in the outside world. Another setting that is important is the pool.The pool is described in a way that is similar to the neighborhood where Diaz live, † The water feels good†¦ while everything above me is loud and bright, everything below is whispers†¦ † this particular quote coincides with the fact that Diaz is trapped, but he'd rather stay below than come up and see the outcome of him leaving for the outside world like Beto. The metaphor suffocation occurs throughout the story and ties to the story title itself. In this story Diaz shows it more at the pool scene, it seem as Diaz move through the story, but something always draws him back to the pool where most of his drowning occur.This particular metaphor is used in several parts of the story, for insta nce, Diaz is suffocating where he lives because of all the poverty, misery, and drugs. Another way the author uses this metaphor is when he talks about how his mother keeps all the windows and doors locked, † Before we head out she drags us through the apartment to make sure the windows are locked†¦ we never open the windows†¦ this place just isn't safe†¦ â€Å"(Drown 96), this quote gives the notion that maybe his mother is also suffocating him by keeping all the windows closed at all times trapping the hot air which can also make Diaz think he is suffocating.Masculinity is something that Diaz struggle with more than anything in this story. In the start Beto and Diaz are both confused about their masculinity, but Beto in a different way because he's really a homosexual. In Diaz neighborhood homosexuality is viewed very negatively. On page 103 in the story, Diaz talks about how his friend Alex will stop by the side of the rode and say, Excuse me. When somebody comes over he'll point his pistol in their face just to see what they'll do, they also call the homosexuals patos throughout the story.Once Diaz have several sexual encounters with Beto, that's when Diaz starts to question his masculinity. Diaz states, † Mostly i stayed in the basement terrified that i would end up abnormal, a fucking pato†(Drown 104). It is obvious that Beto questioning of their masculinity is not so much like Diaz anymore, because Beto excepts the fact that he is a homosexual by going to college, while Diaz on the other hand is still trapped and confused with his masculinity. Diaz is maybe afraid to leave for the outside world because that would mean he's excepting that he is also a homosexual like Beto.In the story Diaz doesn't say it exactly that he wants to do the complete opposite of whatever Beto do, but he gives the reader that feeling. It is possible that Diaz can be satisfied with drowning in his neighborhood, because on page 100 the army recru iter offers Diaz a chance to escape his drowning, but Diaz refuses to come up for air. The author pathos, logos, and ethos plays a role in the story also. Diaz uses some symbols such as the pool and specific words to express himself in a way that makes the story feel more, drawing the reader into his world and his observation from first person point of view.Throughout the author Junot Diaz moves in and out of his character quotes, which is a good thing because it gives the author a credibility and it communicates that their statements are more than just facts, they're a piece of Diaz memory of a feeling or a specific time. However the only way possible for Diaz to discontinue his suffocation and drowning is by joining the Army, but Diaz is still against and unwilling to come up for air, but uses the fact that he helps his mother as an excuse for not leaving his neighborhood and coming up for air.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Justice for Socrates and Augustine

Justice for Socrates and Augustine People define justice differently according to their understanding of the situation in question. Most people confuse justice and punishment (Lyons 16). The idea behind it is that two mistakes can provide a solution which implies that a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye. I suppose that justice is fair treatment and acting fairly in all situations that one may come across. To get a more precise definition, justice is the course or action which will restore balance to a situation (Augustine 34).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Justice for Socrates and Augustine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the discussion, how different philosophers define justice and how they propose on how it should be handled by different groups of people is extremely valuable (Dockendorf 24). For that case, we take two most identified philosophers who are Socrates and Augustine. The two scholars gave their definitions of justice basing on different perspectives but all pointing towards the same direction in giving fairness to people. For many years, people have defined justice in various ways. Plato’s work has given records on Socrates views on justice. This gives us the ability to read and understand the Socrates way of thinking toward justice. According to Socrates, justice was just good, and it could only be reached through self knowledge. He claimed that unanimous good existed and each and every person had the ability to find the good. When philosophers analyzed the justice issue, they discussed and gave their results as justice being good. This is according to Plato’s Republic first two books. Then they also looked at the opposite of justice as evil. For a person to be seen as just, he or she ought to be a good person and the crucial question here is to know what good is. Kealy indicates that good can be what is necessary, lacked or desired (Lyons 27). Socrates comes in on the same note and says that they are natural requirements but not what a person feels that he needs. A person’s nature is the daimon (the person’s inner self which seeks fulfillment). Logically the good preferred since it fulfills a person’s nature and Socrates indicate that the hunt for happiness is the normal objective in life. When I look at the word good, and the definition it leaves me puzzled. What may seem good to me might be worst to another person (Dockendorf 39). This justifies the saying that â€Å"one man’s meat is another man’s poison.† Every individual is just unique on his or her own way. The daimon of one person is much different from the other person’s daimon. Basing on this factor, Kealy proposes that one should identify his or her own potential (Augustine 43). Somebody’s ideas should not be followed to determine what is good for him or herself. This must be done considering Knowledge Next (Lyons 35). Socrates explained the idea an d notes that knowledge directs one to good and knowledge itself is good.Advertising Looking for report on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This indicates that self knowledge directs one to knowledge of differentiating between evil and good. It is only through the understanding that one can avoid committing evil deeds. One can only commit wrong if he or she is ignorant in his own actions (Augustine 48). According to Socrates knowledge is a virtue and on the reverse is ignorance. In this case, I can cite for major virtues courage, justice, temperance and piety. All these virtues can be drawn back to knowledge. Justice can be achieved after understanding what is good and what is evil. The search for happiness can be done from good deeds but not evil. In fact, evil will results to the opposite of happiness. So when evil does not exist happiness will prevail (Augustine 50). This can be supported by observing an ill person go to seek medical attention from the caregivers. When compared with a man who never gets sick, it is obvious that an ailment free person is always happy than a treated man. Then basing on this comparison Socrates argues that the cure for the crime (evil) is punishment and justice enforces that punishment. In this relation, the ill free person is happier than the treated person (Lyons 37). So the person, who never did wrong, will always be happy while the wrong doer gets the punishment for his misdeeds. Then he identifies the next person who lives an evil life and does not recognize the punishment. This person is similar to a child who avoids medicine to cure his or her illness which is justice (Augustine 56). Later on the child acquires blindness due to ignorance. This child is the same as the person who commits evil and avoids getting punishment. The same behavior may continue which in turn prolongs the punishment and suffering (Dockendorf 46). Socrates proposes that t here is no need of living with unjust souls. The just souls are more important than all the possessions of the earth. He also proposes that if any person realizes that he has committed evil, he should run to the judge and get justice. If he waits for any longer, then he will be increasing the length of suffering. So it is better treating the illness earlier than later, because it would not be chronic then. According to Socrates, it is good to do just to friends when they are good to us. Then we should harm the enemies when they do evil to us. He identifies that doing evil is harmful than receiving evil or harm (Augustine 58). Doing justice may be internal; on the contrary, doing harm is unjust while a just man will never harm another. In conclusion, Socrates means that no person should harm another because it is more important to live a just life. In his view, a just soul of a poor person is far much better than a rich man’s soul who got his wealth through unjust means.Advert ising We will write a custom report sample on Justice for Socrates and Augustine specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Saint Augustine was a God fearing person who lived in the Roman Empire. As a man of God, he worked hard to fulfill the requirements of His creator. The most prominent of these requirements was providing justice for all people (Augustine 60). This was to set a good example for the forth coming generations to follow the correct footsteps. In his live Augustine had a soul that sought the will of God so as to live that was full true human character. In his opinion, he defined justice in the concepts of desire and the will of God (Dockendorf 49). He imagined of an anthropology which gave God a central and primary influence. So he could not foresee true justice lacking the essential element of God (Augustine 64). He gives us his discussion of justice and a society that is just through the City of God in Greek Language. Augustin e makes use of the Bible quoting from different books in justifying his opinions. For example, he quotes from Habakkuk that a just person is comparable to the justice of God who controls his obedient city in respect of his own grace. Form these, it tells us that a just person will always live by his Christian faith (Lyons 39). In Augustine’s view, this should be like that faith which is lively in Christian love. This love should be the love of God alone then the love for neighbors’ just like him or herself. Justice can also be seen as the respect of God through following the rule of love from the Bible. The just individual (par excellence) is an individual whose faith results from the (caritas) which is love of God and others (Lyons 47). In the City of God peoples, relationship to justice is just secondary sense in Augustine’s view justice is mainly about God. To be more precise in occasions where God does not receive His due then He has been subjected to injust ice. Justice starts and ends with Christian adoration, devotion and the love of God. In respect of God, there can be no justice without Christ (Augustine 70). The reason behind this is that Jesus Christ lived without sin, and He is truly the only just man who is a measure of justice. Augustine did not restrict himself on spiritual mediation alone. He performed the role of a magistrate by himself (Dockendorf 56). Whenever there was a conflict, he reasoned out transforming much deeper wisdom, from the Bible and Christ (Augustine 78). He applied a good example of the woman who committed adultery and Jesus told her to go and never sin any more. This is to signify that God has justice for everybody but does not give anybody chance to continue sinning.Advertising Looking for report on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Justice as defined by both Socrates and Augustine point towards the same direction although from different perspectives. According to Socrates justice is good as seen by a person and evil as understood by the person. To be able to identify good and evil one requires knowledge (Dockendorf 66). This knowledge helps one to see if good verify evil or good. He proposes that if one realizes that he has done evil he should run for justice (punishment) (Lyons 59). The highest person who gives punishment is the Judge, from Socrates point of view. Socrates states that justice should not wait; it should be done immediately to avoid increasing the suffering (Augustine 75). St. Augustine, on the other hand, believes that Jesus Christ is the only just man and justice prevails when a society relies on God. Justice comes through faith and love for oneself and others. The highest person as regarded by ST. Augustine is only God. Justice can never prevail without God in the midst (Lyons 70). In all th e definitions of justice, we find that human being is obviously just to others. For justice to prevail, it requires that all people must keep to their correct sides, and whenever one makes a mistake he should seek justice. Dockendorf, Luc. Socrates,Virginia. West Virginia University, 1996. Print Lyons, David. Ethics and the Rule of Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Print St. Augustine. Confessions IV. New York: Long Horn publishers, 2008. Print

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How Great Writers Develop the Theme of a Story - Freewrite Store

How Great Writers Develop the Theme of a Story - Freewrite Store What is the theme of a story? Today’s guest post is by  Matt Grant.  Matt is a Brooklyn-based writer and editor.  His  work has appeared in  Literary Hub,  Book Riot,  HuffPost, and  BookBrowse.  Find Matt  online, or follow him on  Twitter  and  Facebook.       For many writers, upon hearing the word â€Å"theme,† our eyes tend to glaze over and our mouths grow slack-jawed. The word may set off flashbacks to high school English, in which teachers forced us endlessly analyze a story’s theme, images, and motifs when all we wanted to do was enjoy the writing and the characters. â€Å"Can’t a story just be a story?† we might have cried out as we did our homework, shaking our fists at the heavens. Whether we like it or not, the idea of themes in literary compositions is ubiquitous and is certainly not going anywhere. But rather than something to be wary of, developing a strong theme in your work can actually set it above the rest. In her 2000 â€Å"Writers on Writing† article in the New York Times, Pulitzer-Prize nominated novelist Diane Johnson says the term â€Å"theme† â€Å"Seems like a holdover term from high school English class, useful for discussing novels, but not very relevant to the process of writing them. There's something too close to ‘thesis’ about it; the idea of imposing a preconception is anathema to a novelist who likes to imagine she is observing life and manners without any didactic intention and without forcing her characters to follow a plan.† And yet the best writers embrace themes in their work and throw themselves headlong into crafting one. This is because every writer makes his or her writing about something, intentional or not. That something, the essence of the story, is its theme. What is the theme of a story? Don’t let the academic-sounding term throw you off. The â€Å"theme† of a story simply refers to its main topic or central idea. This can be as simple as monosyllabic words like â€Å"love,† â€Å"friendship,† â€Å"family,† â€Å"revenge,† or â€Å"loneliness,† or as complex as â€Å"man versus machine,† â€Å"coming of age,† â€Å"the toxicity of nostalgia,† or â€Å"the danger of unchecked ambition.† â€Å"I suppose the major theme of a given work is the sum of all its ideas,† Johnson writes. â€Å"That's implicit in those joke contests on the Internet about Merged Novels, in which people compress the essence of two books into one, like ‘The Maltese Faulkner.’ (‘Is the black bird a tortured symbol of Sam's struggles with race and family? Or is it merely a crow, mocking his attempts to understand? Or is it worth a cool mil?’) Or ‘Catch-22 in the Rye.’ (‘Holden learns that if you're insane, you'll probably flunk out of prep school, but if you're flunking out of prep school, you're probably not insane.' But every novel is a ‘spongy tract,’ as E. M. Forster put it, a tissue of ideas so dense and various it would be impossible to tease them all out.† Luckily, you don’t need to tease all of your ideas out, just the major ones. Whether you like it or not, your story has a theme, because all stories ultimately have one major idea. This is because we as writers are fueled by ideas. â€Å"Of course a writer, like anybody, has a set of general ideas: the inhumanity of man to man or that life is a struggle, or that nature is beautiful,† Johnson writes. â€Å"Some of the ideas will be received ideas; some may be original or idiosyncratic or even suspect, as was said of Ayn Rand's, for instance, or some of T. S. Eliot's, or Pound's. Taken together, a writer's themes are thought to typify the writer despite him- or herself, except for protean geniuses like Shakespeare, invisible in the dense thicket of their contradictions.† Whether or not you invest time and energy in developing and thinking about your theme is up to you, but your story will only be improved if you do. The stronger a story’s theme, and the more attune with that theme the writer is, the better the story. Identifying the theme Before you even begin work on your novel, you should identify what your story’s theme is. Ask yourself what, underneath all of your plots and subplots, your characters and your descriptions, your story is really about. Is it a story about how love conquers all? Is it about the complicated relationship between mothers and daughters? Good versus evil is a common theme. Is your story about how evil never triumphs and good always wins? Is it about how evil triumphs despite good? Any of these make excellent examples of themes. Of course, your story may have more than one theme. But you should at least identify one â€Å"main theme,† or major idea, that your story will focus on. It may also help to identify the â€Å"spine† of the story, or the main narrative thread. The spine is usually just one sentence that summarizes what the story is mostly about. This will help you retain your central idea throughout the work and prevent you from getting sidetracked by subplots, secondary characters, and long passages that don’t relate. For instance, for a book like The Great Gatsby,the spine might be â€Å"a wealthy American tycoon in the Jazz Age discovers that money can’t buy happiness,† and the theme might be â€Å"The decline of the American dream.† These might sound like oversimplifications. That’s okay. The theme is supposed to be a simple summary of your story’s main point. Once you have your theme and spine identified, try to find all of the ways your characters and your plot connect to that theme, both implicitly and explicitly. Which scenes relate your theme through your main  character’s interactions? How do your description and your settings bolster the theme? Everything that doesn’t, in some way, connect to your theme is worth considering whether it should be included at all. How to build a theme The question then becomes how, exactly, do you build a theme into your work? Other than your characterization, the main way is through motifsand symbols. Taken together, these three things are powerful tools when it comes to making sure your theme is easily understood and constantly present in your story. Let’s look at each one in turn. A motif is a recurring structure, symbol, or literary device that helps develop and inform your theme. The more a motif turns up in a story, the more prominently it will factor into your theme. For instance, taking The Great Gatsbyas an example once again, some of its motifs include geography (the East Coast represents decadence and cynicism, while the West represents more traditional, straightforward â€Å"American† values) and the weather (the changing weather patterns reflect the shifting tone and mood of the characters and the story).   A symbol, on the other hand, is an image, a character, an object, or figure that represents something beyond whatever is just on the surface. At the end of the first chapter of Gatsby,the narrator, Nick Carraway, observes Jay Gatsby emerging from his mansion at night. Carraway considers calling out and introducing himself, but thinks better of it: â€Å"I didn't call to him, for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone- he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward- and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock. When I looked once more for Gatsby he had vanished, and I was alone again in the unquiet darkness.† This green light makes several appearances during the novel, most notably again at the very end: â€Å"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.† Clearly, the light resembles something more than just a green light. It represents Daisy, who in turn represents Gatsby’s unattainable American dream. Further, green is the color of money and envy, two things that Gatsby struggles with throughout the novel. The light is a symbol, deepening the story’s themes. So, a series of recurring symbols (rain, light, color, etc.) build into a motif(the weather, geography), and a series of motifs build into a theme (the decline of the American dream). How themes relate to character In addition to symbols and motifs, your characters are your biggest avenues for relaying your theme to your readers. Characters can represent different aspects of a theme, or in some cases, represent the theme altogether. We’ve already shown how Daisy represents the American dream to Jay Gatsby. She is a full character herself, the target of his romantic ambitions. But just as their relationship is doomed from the start, Daisy also represents an aspect of American life that will forever remain unattainable to Gatsby. Characters can also have discussions, thoughts, and behaviors that relate to the theme without expressly representing the theme themselves. Nick Carraway is a narrator, and yet it’s through his eyes that we see Gatsby’s symbolic green light analyzed. But Nick himself also wrestles with being drawn into the glamorous life of the West Egg nouveau riche. The attractive and â€Å"incurably dishonest† Jordan Baker tantalizes him. So even as a seemingly â€Å"secondary† character, Nick Carraway mirrors Gatsby’s theme of the lure of the American Dream. In addition, Johnson insists that the writer herself will influence her characters. Your themes will always reflect a part of who you as a writer are. â€Å"Can the novelist entirely control the ideas in her text, or conceal herself among them?† she asks. â€Å"There's the phenomenon well known to writers whose characters, given their head, take off and do or say things the writer did not foresee. The writing has a Ouija board will of its own. On the other hand, there are the covert operations of your own character your personal obsessions, perhaps that ordain that, however you start out, you end up with the sort of novel only you would write. (Obviously, these two are functions of each other: the unexpected crops up out of some less conscious realm of your self.) There's age, birth order, geography. Nationality is certainly part of the imperatives of our natures, something that we can't help and that has programmed us.† Working with multiple themes A story will often have more than one theme, especially if it’s a novel as opposed to a short story. Short stories, due to their length, tend to only have one major theme, while a longer novel has time to elaborate on several themes at once. To return to our example, The Great Gatsbyhas several themes. In addition to the decline of the American Dream, there are also the themes of â€Å"money doesn’t buy happiness,† and â€Å"the allure of forbidden love.† It’s fine for your story to have multiple themes, just be careful of giving it too many. â€Å"Too many themes and the novelist risks committing a ‘novel of ideas,’ a term that can conceal a note of reservation,† Johnson writes. â€Å"As a phrase, ‘novel of ideas’ is gathered from what seems now a somewhat dated typology used to categorize all novels as ‘of ideas,’ or as comedy of manners, or action, romance and so on, depending on the general effect. These were also shorthand ways of saying serious, boring, comic, moving account of personal anguish, love story, etc.† What the author wants to avoid is the appearance of â€Å"moralizing† or proselytizing in a story. Your theme will relate your own beliefs and worldview, but it’s not a moral. If the reader thinks that all you’re trying to do is convince them of your way of thinking rather than just telling a good story, they’ll run for the hills. Themes must be intentional Building a theme doesn’t happen by accident. F. Scott Fitzgerald clearly thought long and hard about the themes and symbols he wished to infuse into The Great Gatsby,and the result is one of the best examples of modern American literature. Finding your theme will take time and effort, but it will be worth it in the end. If you try to think of your theme before you start writing and you can’t, that’s okay. Don’t get so caught up in theme that you neglect good storytelling. Sometimes, your story’s theme won’t be apparent until you’re several drafts in. That’s okay, too. As a general rule, you should focus on the story first and then worry about the theme. â€Å"Novels are never about what they are about; that is, there is always deeper, or more general, significance,† Johnson writes. â€Å"The author may not be aware of this till she is pretty far along with it. A novel's whole pattern is rarely apparent at the outset of writing, or even at the end; that is when the writer finds out what a novel is about, and the job becomes one of understanding and deepening or sharpening what is already written. That is finding the theme.†       Which themes do you find most compelling? How have you worked themes into your novels? Let us know in the comments!    Matt Grant  loves to write about writing, business, and all forms of popular  culture – books, film, and television. Matt started writing DVD reviews for  Pop Matters  in 2012, and in 2016, he followed through on a life-long dream by launching a part-time writing business at Since then, Matt’s work has appeared in  Literary Hub,  Book Riot,  HuffPost, and  BookBrowse,  and he has several ongoing clients.  His first personal essay,  Swimming Lessons,  is being published in LongReads at the end of August. Matt is also currently hard at work on his first novel, a comedic take on fantasy tropes for young adults. When not writing or reading, Matt works in youth development as an after-school program director  for one of the largest middle schools in Manhattan. Matt lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Katelyn. You can find him online at, on  Twitter  @mattgrantwriter, and on Facebook  @mattgra ntwriter.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

CJUS 350 DB7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CJUS 350 DB7 - Essay Example While carrying out the search, it is important that one carries himself as if he is being watched. While being watched is not the subject of interest, the police officer must ensure that he conducts himself in accordance with the law, to the latter. This may also refer to the scope of the search, just as is evidenced by the case law Harris v. United States and Trupiano v. United States. According to Qureshi (2012), this above is because, failure to stick to the right behavior may lead to the inadmissibility of the evidence that was thus seized and subsequently adduced before the court of law. This makes setting limits related to tolerable behavior a necessity. If based on interrogation of the suspect, I believe that he is aware of the girl’s whereabouts, I will integrate investigative with negotiation skills to get him to reveal the location of the abducted child. To this end, I will remind the suspect of the severity of the act he may have engaged in, and the lenience that he will be accorded, if he reveals the child’s location. This involves, pursuing all the circumstantial evidence that point to the suspect and discretionally telling the suspect about some of these circumstantial evidence. The suspect is then made aware of the lenience that will be accorded him, if he reveals the child’s location in his own

Friday, November 1, 2019

Health Care Reform in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Care Reform in the United States - Essay Example   I believe that although it would be a great idea to have a good national health care plan where everyone could have care when they needed it, I believe that this may not be possible. As an example, Medicaid spending is already a government paid program and there are many services that it does not provide. If they do not provide it now, there is nothing to say that they will provide these services with the new plan. According to the report by the White House, the Obama plan wants to make sure that everyone has insurance regardless of their health status. This plan will also stop insurance companies from denying people who have pre-existing conditions. The plan will also create tax credits for working people who do not have insurance and those who cannot afford insurance will have a "public health insurance option" so that they can have a better choice of plans (Obama, 2009). The plan will also provide a panel of doctors and other medical experts that will act as an "independent commission" that will be watching what happens with the plan to stop it from being abused and stop fraud from happening (Obama, 2009). According to Zwillich (2009), Americans feel divided on how this plan will work. Zwillich reports on a survey that was done of approximately 2,000 registered voters to see what they thought of the plan. The voters were told some of the pros and cons of the plans before they were asked for their opinions. The results of the survey showed several issues: 1. The first issue was the requirement of requiring everyone to obtain health insurance whether they could afford it or not: 43% were in favor of this and 40% were opposed. Others thought this would raise taxes too far.Â